Feeding the ducks...

... and swans, and geese and goslings.

I went up to see DN1 and Baby Matty today. I had an amazing cuddle with my little Matty Munchkin where he just stared at me for about 20 minutes with a happy little mouth until his eyes closed. I was so in love with him. (See extra).

We then did the Dinton Pastures round, feeding and running from the swans before stopping for cake. I then had a call from DN2. One of her clients died this morning.... her 1st death.... and she needed a good cry to her mummy.

After Dinton we went to my sisters for the 1st time since having Bella. She had a very bouncy, slightly unruly but friendly doberman. Bella doesn't cope with bigger dogs than her and tends to scream at them!!!! She screamed!!! Luckily he was shut inside so we could at least sit in the garden with mum too for a little catch up.

Sam is doing OK. His boss is in trouble for asking him to go into work after testing +ve.... rightly so but the main thing is that he's feeling a bit better rather than worse so fingers crossed he will be OK.

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