Rubbish Made From Rubbish

I raided the junk box for these two.
The black line on the left box is a split which I have filled with Ebony dust and superglue - the remains of the marks from the support tool on the lathe has been filled with brass dust and superglue (in the extras box). Unfortunately there is some 'bleeding' into the grain of the wood ... which is cheap pine from an old palette (in Australia they can get for wonderful, colourful, dense 'exotic' woods used in their palettes that we would spend a small fortune on). 

I took some close-up shots of weed flowers in the garden this morning before any breeze started. Some of the shots were taken with the plant almost touching the lens and the biggest one (a Buttercup centre) was maybe 1.5cm diameter. There are nine shots Over Here.

There were cards for father's day from No1 son and his girls and I got a visit from Bags and the family. Squirrel hasn't heard if she has gained her next coloured belt from her grading exam yesterday ... where she broke her first wooden board with a spin kick. Well done Squirrel.

The pond had a load of algae removed and some of the ornamental grass was being cut back when my back started shouting at me. At the same time the rain started coming in so I took that as a hint and packed up. Maybe just as well as the grass needs to be taken out, split into smaller clumps, dead 'leaves cut off and returned back into the water as I noticed that there is a fairly large 'bald' area in the middle. Definitely a job for another day.

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