Charming ...

The day we had the floors gouged up over at Sweet Haven, we noticed that one of the outdoor dining chairs appeared to be missing.  We searched high and low, but couldn't find it anywhere.  We were pretty sure one of our guests had carelessly taken it down to the float and then left it there to be blown into the cove, and sure enough this morning that theory was proven correct when Mr. W espied it at low tide pinned underneath the float.  When he fished it out, it became clear that no one will ever be sitting in that seat again.  The weight of the float descending at low tide did a very effective job of crushing the legs.

I wonder if the people who were so cavalier with our furniture gave it a second thought as they skipped off back to wherever they came from.  Did they realize a chair had suddenly disappeared?  Did they care?  Somehow I doubt it.

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