Testing testing...

...the new water shoes. 
Danny was in the prison first thing this morning, visiting M. He returned home to pancakes that Nate and I had made. Nate insisted on candles. It actually worked out well as we were also celebrating (long distance!) a friend's birthday. Pic in extras!
Asha was meant to be on a boat today with a friend and her parents, but it was cancelled last minute due to wind and rain. She coped well with the sudden disappointment and ended up going to their for the afternoon and evening. In fact she's still not home and it's 9,45!
Nate and I have done some Father's Day prep, also in extras...a super cute watermelon card and a little gift. 

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Asha's post arriving with her cousins.
2) A slow morning.
3) Nate's lovely message in Danny's card, in response to the question 'why is Daddy a good daddy?'

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