New crop potatoes

Triinu had come across a farmer selling new crop potatoes, when she stopped to buy something for lunch, so we got the first ones this summer, along with barbecue and salad.

Not much grass left on the pasture, so supplemental feeding is needed and I brought one of the new bales to the pasture in the morning. It was quite popular, though the heifers didn't stay around the bale cage all day. Soon after that it rained quite heavily for a while. Two millimetres, but it's good to have the hay baled!

Checked the silage chopper in the afternoon and took it to the first field. The boys helped me to install the high side panels etc. to the trailer, so it's ready for the harvest, too. Just some things to do in the barn before we can start, though I need Jussi to drive the pit tractor, and he's in his summer job this weekend, so it won't happen early on Sunday.

Backblipped Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I'm afraid the blips for the next week or so will be often delayd.

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