
By LurlineStill

Brick canvas

Late last walk of the day, night decending quickly. A back corner of local youth centre.

Escaping the hoards (albeit smallish) coming into town for the "all new" Byron music festival" I took a leisurely drive to Mullum stopping a couple of times for doggie explorations.
My fave opp shop in the shire is in Mullum and opens only Sat mornings. It's attached to a church community. It's my fave because of the happy lively atmosphere. It's like each opening is an occasion and all the fabulous volunteers - and there's many - really seem to work well together and enjoy themselves it rubs off to we customers.
I bought some home made pikelets and an old pianola roll ( future project maybe?).

Enjoyed the pikelets with with friend while our dogs joyfully wrestled in her courtyard.

Visited local markets to say hello and chat with young friend turning her hand at rescuing, renewing and retailing old good quality clothing. a fine collection.

Now curtains drawn, heater on, bellies full. Slow cooker creating beans and veg casserole, pumpkin soup on stove top.

Festival music, muffled by some distance and walls, I allow gratitude and contentment to seep through.

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