End of a long day

This was the view from the deck at the apartment when S and I got back after buying groceries. Excellent seen large

The day began with a dash across to the NZ Post Distribution Centre. Last week, I managed to drop (somewhere unknown at a time also unknown) one of my sets of keys; the one which included the key to the letterbox in the apartment. Once upon a time (ten years ago) there were two. The other was misplaced in the dim recesses of time and memory (it could be somewhere in the apartment).

Having been told that the big box of letterboxes, with keys like those of Post Office Boxes, were nothing to do with NZ Post, S got a locksmith around yesterday. To be told that these were high security locks; provided by NZ Post; and he couldn't do anything without damaging it, and creating a very vulnerable lock.

So, before they all left to deliver mail, I tootled across to the Distribution Centre and spent quite some time explaining the situation to the person who came to see me. Once she understood, she went and got our postie. Whereupon I had to start again. More efficiently this time, I concede. Eventually she too understood, and we made an arrangement, which depended on liaison between her and S later in the morning.

Back home for a rushed breakfast before heading to the office. Interrupted by a telephone conversation with Postie. Who said that they (i.e. she) had just remembered that the lock keeping the bank of letter boxes secure, was broken, and the locksmith could just go there, swing it open and access the lock from the inside!!! I checked it out. It was truly so. I collected a week's worth of mail, and later today the locksmith came and replaced the lock on our letter box.

Which, along with 26 others, can still be accessed from the back, merely by swinging the whole lot out from the wall.

Today the appointment book was filled, and even the gratefully accepted postponement by one person, left no time for anything but work from before 9 till after 6. This is not really semi-retirement, I tell myself. Oh, I did make and drink two plungers full of coffee. By myself. Kept me going.

So this sunset after a rushed bit of shopping after work did lift the spirits somewhat. Despite the occasional difficult day, like today, I would still rather do my job than many others I can think of. And even some that I can't think of!

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