looks best small

Many people post pictures and let us know that they look best large. 
This is not a crisp shot, it looks best small. 

(When the weather isn't too hot) I love living here. The golden hour light filtered through the trees is so lovely. I finally found ducklings yesterday morning, but didn't have a long lens. In the evening they were in range but my pictures were blurry. Today they were on the opposite side of the lake. 

I got my first indoor cut-by-someone-else haircut since early Feb 2020 today!!! HairCuttery almost immediately went bankrupt* but some months later the local one allowed the stylists into the stores to get phone numbers of their customers and Tracy was able to connect with me and, when it wasn't winter, cut my hair in my driveway. Now she is renting salon space and works for herself, a new small business owner, doing something she never would have done if not for the pandemic. I still wore my mask, even though we are both vaccinated, because I'm not quite there emotionally yet. 

*March 2020. The brand has been sold and the new owner says it is doing well. 

I also suspect that when Delta is more prevalent here we may need to mask back up, at least indoors. 

I don't like that AstraZeneca is only 60% effective against it, or that it now makes up 90% of new cases in Britain. I'd like to put up a force field around you all. I know you are waiting to hear tomorrow if restrictions will be lifted. 

Have you heard about the man who was swallowed by a whale? No, it isn't the first line of a joke. There isn't any video but everyone seems to believe him. He was diving for lobsters. Scientists say it is weird but it is hard to suck in a lot of water and have fine control and there are cases of whales being altruistic. This whale brought him up to the surface before spitting him out. I would share with you a limerick, but it rhymes with Nantucket. 

Finally, I can't believe I signed up for a job that has meetings at 8:15 AM on Mondays. 

oh, also, I never want to hear I remind you of your mother. Just not a thing to say.  Yes, I know Bush Jr said something similar. 

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