A bit more family history

It was lovely and bright this morning so I took my camera to work with the intention of stopping off to get a blip, but nothing grabbed me.

So at 9pm tonight I was still without a blip!!

Solution - a root through the box of memories I brought from my dad's and still haven't had time to find a home for.

This is his certificate to say he had passed the final exams for the Insitute of Cost & Works Accountants in 1958. Think this later became CIMA as that was what he was a member of. He worked hard all his working life to provide for his family and I know he was a very popular boss in his later years.

I did begin to follow in his footsteps and after gaining a largely useless degree in history I turned to an accounting based job, and I passed my AAT exams no problem. That was the year before I got married - I decided with a wedding to plan it might be easier to take a break, and never went back to take it further. Given current circumstances at work I am regretting that decision, I got too comfortable and stuck in a rut. I can't help but think I have let myself down, and to some extent my dad, although I know he would never have said that.

Oh to know what life changing career move I would like to take!!

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