Feeling better

First of all I need to say thank you to everybody who took the time to comment on my blip yesterday - thanks for all your lovely replies and support, it does mean a lot. I love being part of blip!

Good news today is that Lottie is much better - she had another day off school today with her dad, who is also better than he was last night - but by the time I got in from work she was back to her bouncy, cheeky, smiley self.

Work hasn't been quite so good - a long discussion about Shared Services and lack of information left the finance team feeling rather demotivated (don't want to swear on here!). It is going to be a difficult few months in the office!

The other good news is that I am feeling considerably brighter tonight than last night - perhaps I needed to cry a bit and get it out of my system for a while. It is impossible to stay that down for long with this gorgeous smile around to cheer me up!

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