The dropped stitch

By Bodkin

A calm evening

Lots of weather today.

It was overcast in the morning with light rain. That's good, I thought, I can skip the watering of the outside plants.

By the time I set off for work at midday it was warm and sunny. Greenhouse windows open and fingers crossed the poor plants don't end up frazzled.

Through the afternoon the wind gradually increased - moving from a pleasant, refreshing breeze to fairly constant blustery gusts. My ID, hanging round my neck, flaps around alarmingly in these conditions and threatens to fly up and hit me in the face if I'm not careful. Opening the car door must be done carefully, with half an eye on any paperwork which may be flushed out and blown across the fields if the door is open for a split second too long.

Then by evening all was calm again. 
The wind has gone.... but now the midges are out in force. There are some advantages to windy days.

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