Azalea in a pot

The azalea was overwintered in the greenhouse and I thought the heavy frost had got it. Leaves started to show so last month I put it out and it is now covered with large (for the plants size) white flowers. Once it finishes flowering it will be put somewhere safe and returned to the greenhouse for next winter. 
I am usually very self critical of my pictures but yesterdays blip really does stink. Not the picture so much, its the subject that smells so bad. Hopefully the bad odor will go soon, unfortunately the grass will take a long time to recover. We will have to find a better way to give the kids a paddling pool for next time.
Lots of catching up in the garden, planted out the sweet corn and sunflowers, could be good blips from them, and potting up tomatoes into their final containers. Still have to clear the bed for the tomatoes growing straight into the ground and plant up more pots with flowers. All has to be done before Wednesday when the next visitors arrive. These will not be a noisy and hectic as the last ones but will be more food and alcohol powered.
The inspiration for this shot came from another blipper Kirre who does some stunning flower closeups. Take a look, she is good.

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