unusual sighting...

...of a cormorant

at a favorite pond

still being under the weather - i decided a quick drive - to one of my favorite ponds - to get some fresh air - might do me well - so since i didn’t sleep well - off i went early - and lookit the surprise - which was waiting - for me

i haven’t seen - a cormorant in years - at this pond - and wasn’t certain - that’s what it was - until i got closer - and then i tried - to be quick with - the snap before it - took off because you - know how that goes - and sure enough - no sooner had i - gotten about 7 shots - fired off and - i knew they weren’t - the best at all - but up went his wings - and away he flew - i ended up liking this - still pose the best - even though it’s not - great and i did - get an open wingspan - but i kept coming back - to this one - which ended up making it...


happy day.....

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