Knee Deep!

It was -12 degrees when we woke up this morning, but the sun's shining and we've got blue skies so everywhere looks very pretty. I took Louis out across the fields again, and I'm glad now that I didn't blip his photo yesterday as the sunlight has made much nicer pictures today.

So here he is again in his little red jacket - he had a great time playing chase with some frozen pine cones and was even clambering up the snow drifts. We didn't stay out long though and although he didn't want to come home, Mum always knows best. In no time at all, I was practically having to drag him along but when I looked he was hopping on 3 legs as his paws were frozen with ice - if only he'd wear his UGG boots lol!

Anyway, he's dried off now and has had his breakfast, I've had a hot chocolate and am getting ready to walk to work. It's another no car day for us, and we're both very lucky we're able to do this, living so close to work. I thought I'd packed away my snow boots for this year, but no such luck - at least I've got them though, there's solid ice compacted under the snow, so it's very slippy underfoot.

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