Chasing the light

No filter applied to this shot which was taken last night at a quarter past nine when Dad and I went to capture the best light of the day on the rapeseed field. The crop has gone past its brightest but we were treated to an almost full rainbow and a fairly spectacular sunset too. I wasn't able to upload it once we were back because of the site maintenance but a lack of blip didn't get past the big-little sister. 

A much colder and even damp day than we have had all week so no sitting in the garden. Instead we did a supermarket trip in preparation for the next lot of visitors, a few trips in and out to the washing line and quite a bit of reading. Last night's light has preceded another glorious day. 

It was also the gorgeous girls' twenty-second birthday. It was lovely to see and talk to her via technology. Bailey was cheering on the inside when he sent his birthday wishes in the morning. 

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