Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I finally found the book cover I was looking for! I found it when I was removing old magazines I was going to bin. I made a clear out a couple of days ago. And, apparently the cover had fallen behind the box with magazines. Well, success! It's so much better than the one I'm making from scratch. 
I was going to mend a pair of trousers, but they weren't were I thought they would be, so I decided to change a pair of my favourites instead. The sewing mice have been at it again, sowing them in... so I need to alter them a bit. I had the perfect fabric for it. But, were was it? I looked in the two bags of fabric I have, but no... so I started to look at other places and I found a box of zippers, my yardstick that's been missing for months, a scarf I'd been looking for and, finally, in a paper bag under a chair the fabric I was looking for! And other fabrics I knew I had but not were... :D 
Yes, I have too many hobbies for my very small apartment! :D 
So, now I'm going to unpick the seams of my trousers and make them slightly (several centimeters... :o ) larger. 
At least I've gotten things done today and the anxiety is decreasing because of it. :)

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