
Had to be this lovely aquilegia for the theme of Yellow for Tiny Tuesday.
Can’t stop the song going around and around in my head right now.
Thank you Pinkhairedlady.

Back and eyes both feel much easier today after my own rapid response treatments from yesterday.
I drove over to Rebecca’s ( can still drive so l know my back isn’t too bad) she gave me the massage and pummelling we had learned from Mr P.
I returned home with her back mat and pad , see extra if you like gruesome images.
Spent some time laid on that, then sat with the pad behind my spine as l watch the whole of series 3 of The Kominsky Method on Netflix .
Loved all three series and sad it has come to its end.
Not my choice of spending a lovely sunny afternoon but l had no choice.
Used the eye pad that heats up in the microwave on my eyes then put in drops.
Took amitriptyline at bedtime as that dulls nerve endings ( my back problem is all related to trapped nerves ) and had a reasonable night.
Got up this morning and could do my stretches with more ease, so much so l am going for a short and slow walk down to the river.
Just done the eye pad again, drops in and going to take an anti histamine so l am well self medicated!

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