Pixelfoto's Journal

By Pixelfoto

Cow Parsley

I did a mad thing yesterday and signed up for the 1 million steps in July, August and September challenge with Diabetes UK. However I only committed myself to 500,000 steps as it is a challenge for me to get more than 5 or 6,000 steps in a day.

This morning I thought I shouldn't wait until July 1st but get into practice straight away. It's not that I can't do the steps, more that I can't find the time! As we were ready to go to church in good time I decided to leave early and take a longer route, walking along the river. It was lovely there and the banks are covered with cow parsley.

Before lunch I did an hour's gardening and then pottered a bit more after lunch. I hope this lovely weather carries on as I have much more gardening to do. It is 6 pm now and I have actually managed 7095 steps so I can do the extra if I really try.

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