out of this world

It seems as though many many hours have passed since I woke up this morning...and looking at this photo it’s possible that I have been on a journey through time and space...

I walked another part of the Thames Path, from Putney Bridge to Hammersmith, and here we are standing under the flyover, next to the Apollo (see I told you it felt like space travel). What struck me was the contrast between the concrete and the line of trees; there was a children’s’ fitness class going on and they were being encouraged to run up to a tree and swing on it. This would have been natural play in the countryside but here it felt sadly artificial.

I spent an hour visiting the Charles Dickens Museum at 48 Doughty Street, to reward myself for finishing all his novels. It was a big house - 12 rooms over several floors - which shows how successful he already was as a young and newly married man.

Then....I caught the train to Uckfield and surprised my Mum and Dad by being early ( extra). I can’t really describe how it feels to be here. My sister and niece Grace arrived and we all went out to Pizza Express. It was the first time my Mum had been out of the house for six weeks and the first time she had eaten out for months. She said that it felt like being in a different world :-)

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