Snaps in Switzerland

By Shoemum

Boris is back!...

Time to get back to Blipping me thinks ..
I somehow missed a couple of blip days and it snowballed (appropriate today)into stopping taking or following blipping .
It has been nice to have a break ,but I do miss it and all of my blip friends all over so I thought time to blip the big boy's snowy nose ...
We have had a very snowy day here with no school or work and close to 20 cm of snow in places.Finally now it has stopped and the sun is out at last -yeah!
Needless to say the dogs all loved the snow and my kitchen floor is testament to their comings and goings today.
I will try and catch up with the blips of my subs as much as I can, it will be fun to see what you have all been upto ..

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