Skailway Dig
A windy, cold and dull day. There was the occasional very light drizzle shower. Hurry up summer!
The museum has been closed, but our usual Ability Shetland visit was in for the morning. I also had a few meetings to attend, and started setting up for the wedding on Friday. Popped down to mam's after tea. Fed Puss in Boots, looked to the plants and walkies with Sammy. Popped by Laura and the lasses after.
After work, I popped by cousin Wendy's and the archaeology dig going on in the garden and fields. This time last year, they uncovered 26 skeletons in their garden, which has lead to a big dig. The dig has been to try and find Skailway, the old Iron Age and Norse settlements, sadly most has been built over. The dig hasn't unearthed many structures, but plenty of artefacts, pottery, bones, tools etc. This is one structure they have found, but what was it? They think it's possibly been a workshop, or such. This has been the last day of the dig, and hopefully start again later in the year. Looking on to another find, L-R - Kristian Leith (Wendy's husband), Kevin Kerr (Orkney archaeologist), Wendy (looking chilly) and Steve in front right. Taken at Skailway, Upper Scalloway.
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