Bluebells at Atsa
Another windy day, and a cloudy morning. The skies cleared, and a lovely sunny, warm afternoon and evening.
Back to work this morning, and back to the picnic table desk. A day off scanning photos. I've made a start to painting the bird box houses this evening, and also a start to a revamp in the kitchen. Not only painting the walls, but the cabinets too. I've managed a couple of walks with Sammy, although very slow, giving Sammy plenty of sniffing time. Feet up now.
I headed out for lunch, and up to check my peats. On my way back, a lovely blue glow caught my eye with the sun shining. I stopped off to take a look, and glad I did. This little garden is jammed full of bluebells. So much colour in the landscape now, and makes life in lockdown so much easier. Taken at Asta, Tingwall Valley.
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