He shoots

It is half term and we have headed up to the croft near Ullapool.

It is a long journey of about five hours, which we broke in Inverness to get some sandwiches.

We had brought an audio book - Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. This is new to CyclopsJnr, he's not read/heard the HP books or seen the films yet, but he knows a bit about it all through available Lego sets and associated YouTube videos. Well thanks JK Rowling and Stephen Fry, that's around nine hours of entertainment and CyclopsJnr was very happy to listen to it for most of the journey with plenty left for the rest of the trip.

We arrived in the afternoon and got settled in. We thought we might go out in the boat after an early dinner, so of course it started raining and we played Yahtzee instead. CyclopsJnr did get a bit of archery in first though, with his set that he got for his birthday.

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