Dodging Showers

The forecast for this weekend was pretty iffy, and the weather lived up to that.  

We started the day with a quick trip to the shop to buy toothbrushes, then decided to take a trip up to Lochinver while it rained.  We stopped a couple of places along the way to take photos of misty mountains.

A gap in the rain gave us the chance of a pre-lunch walk in Culag Woods (pictured).  There wasn't much of a view through the mist from the viewpoint at the top... 

We tried a newly-opened restaurant for lunch - Delilah's.  I still remember when that building went up as the tourist information centre - long since defunct of course.  CyclopsJnr befriended the dog (and the couple that owned it) at the next table over lunch, and revealed himself to be a board-game fan.  They recommended a number of titles which Cyclops duly noted for future reference.  Lunch was delicious too!

We got back to the bothy mid afternoon in the pouring rain, so got the fire lit (CyclopsJnr can do that on his own now) and settled in for some games.  We played grown-up monopoly for a while, then Hogwarts House Lines (a new game from his birthday) and Pass the Pigs.

Great fun.

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