Commuting tedium
I was on an early commuting train today and this photo was probably one that might be difficult to replicate, given that it's a picture that has to be taken discretely. Circumstances allowed me to do this and capture the expressions of the two men which were in synchrony in that moment. They are both dressed similarly which adds to the cohesion of the image. I think it says something about the daily tedium of travel to work - the folded arms, closed eyes, head propped up, reviving carton of coffee. Also I liked the intriguing pattern created by the scene of trees, snowy fields and blue sky streaking by, generating a feeling of speed and passing time.
Later, before heading home, I took some attractive pictures of a fiery sky as a backdrop to the Scott Monument in Princes Street, snow on the glass panes of Waverley Station's roof and New Street steps with snow. I've popped three of these pictures into my Built Environment Blipfolio album. However I'm trying to stick to my principle of selecting, not always the most photogenic subject I come across, but something of everyday life as it's experienced in the moment.
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