Rain,rain go to Spain.....

A dry start that didn't last long. After that it rained all day.
The sprayer turned up to put liquid fertilizer onto the silage fields down the road,but I eventually phoned him and told him to go home as it was chucking it down. No point in wasting time and money on expensive fertilizer for it to be washed straight down the drains.
Spent the morning tagging calves next door.
After lunchtime made a start on dismantling all the pens in the lambing shed. Had most of it packed away by tea time. Can't muck the shed out till after shearing is finished as we use the shed to shut sheep in to keep them dry . Then it's a mad panic to get the shed mucked in time for storing straw.
Emptied the rain gauge tonight. In old money 20 mm is nearly an inch of rain today. And it was only about 8 c on the wall thermometer. Very summery-not !

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