Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Called in at the Marina today...

...so it would be rude not to blip it...
None of these boats were poised to sail away  this afternoon, but we had a lovely lunch with Sue & Dave instead.They had kindly invited us across as my sister and Gus are staying in one of the studios this week, and we had a very sociable time together - thanks S&D ;) 
Now back in South Yorkshire - and somehow while we were away North Tyneside had been put on a don't travel alert! Sheesh... good job we got in and out under cover of darkness...

CORONA CLASSICSMichael Tippett : Symphony No. 2  from Dolly, and from me Ludwig v. Beethoven - Symphony No. 1 in C op. 21 - II Andante cantabile con moto

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