Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

My favourite place is actually...

...by the sea...
But in the absence of the sea, I'll go for my Lockdown favourite place... our garden... It has been such a bonus for the last couple of months! I don't normally do a great deal of the work in the garden - but I do a lot of appreciating. I have taken on mowing responsibilities during lockdown, however, so I have been busy today ;) 
A bit of ironing after yesterday's castlework - and pouf - the day has gone...
I also got distracted by the Dominic Cummings debacle - sorry, I still don't have any sympathy. He gave an explanation, but it no way excused his behaviour IMHO. He is still exceptional, and we little people are the ones who have to follow the rules...

Last few days of the Lockdown Tracks - thanks to everyone who has contributed or listened:

gblrps    Paul Jones - I`ve Been A Bad Bad Boy  for DC ;)

60plus   Nothing Ever Happens - del Amitri

MaryElizaR    Summertime - Norah Jones

DollyDoug     OZZY OSBOURNE - "Breaking All The Rules" another one for DC?       One Direction - End of the Day

Cathy    John Denver - Leaving On A Jet Plane  who knows when?

Evolybab    The Universal - Blur


Corona Classics

DollyDoug    Fandango Boccherini, Sara Calero

60plus    Italian Capriccio - Tchaikovsky

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