Hedgerow inspection

The point I was trying to make with this picture was how lush and green everything is after all the rains. Except for that completely bare tree obvs.

I have been waiting to feel ready to investigate the loft after we had a new proper ladder installed (on 9th March!). And today I felt ready! It’s all a big disorganised mess, my objectives are threefold:
1. Getting rid of the actual rubbish accumulated over the past 18 years.
2. Lightly organise what is left
3. Create space for all the piles of stuff around the house which should be in the loft.
So far about one third of the way through no1, next stop Will has a half term treating of helping me coming up!

Other news today, Daisy has successfully got to the end of the day which included her first end of year exam and an emergency dentist appointment. The exam was ok and she has antibiotics so hopefully soon will be able stop her painkiller diet.

And I cooked a tremendous dinner with salmon, cauliflower and potato. Was lush.

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