
By Snapjax

A Pond Reflection

Set off walking down hill for my 9.15 Dental appointment, listening to 'Inside Inside No.9 podcast', fearing the worst at this long needed check-up.   My teeth feel like they are moving and re-aligning, as my gums recede,  resulting in a slightly scary snaggle-toothed smile. My worse fear being that they drop out altogether, all at once. Bailey, the Dentist, reassured me that this was highly unlikely as I am, literally, (my words) long in the tooth. I have two further appointments made; firstly for a wash & brush up with Bailey, the second for a (free) consultation to discuss my vanity options. I left the surgery and turned the corner for the Bus stop. I stopped for beat, 2 mins wait, 4 people waiting. Nah, I skipped across road to the paved path on t'other side and headed up the hill.  Sure enough the bus purred past, and I smiled.  Nobody was looking.

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