Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum

One Swallow / Steer

...certainly doesn't make a summer!

The rain continues but today at least, it was in the form of torrential showers rather than the blanket of wet that has been the norm lately.
I didn't fancy getting wet through so Jorgie and I only covered the short circuit. 
Late in the day the sky cleared sufficiently to persuade me that it was safe to go out so I headed to the fields.
The blackbirds and thrushes were singing their heads off but no mammals about.
Change of plans and I drove up to the common to approach the farmer's fields from above - 1st mistake!
The water draining off the common was like a river but I persevered for the sake of Blip.
Climbing over the gate and into the copse, I disturbed a group of deer who quickly fled still leaving me without any photos.
I tiptoed behind them not looking where I was putting my feet and ended up literally knee deep in a muddy(mixed with deer poo) mire.
Losing my balance, I toppled forward so also had muddy forearms and a generous coating on my 100-400mm lens :-/
After several minutes I managed to get out without losing my boots and then I had no choice other than continue on down the fields to home, get changed and walk back up the lane to collect the car ( a round trip of about 4 miles).
On the way I looked across at the cows and horses(extra) silhouetted on the hill and took a few shots (having first cleaned as much mud off my lens as I could see in the fading light).
It's only this morning when I've looked on the computer, have I spotted the lone swallow having one last feed before roosting for the night.
Luckily for me the MM challenge today is anything beginning with 'S' so take your pick from steer, swallow or slope. I guess I should add stupid to that list too because that's what I felt as I walked back through the village literally covered in stinking mud

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