New sculpture

This was installed less than a week ago and commemorates an event in 1878 when Bruin escaped and caused chaos in the streets of Dundee. Apparently 2 polar bears were being transferred from a cellar to a "show"  when one escaped and "affected clearance on the street, parties flying about in all directions for safety".  A woman ran into a shop but the bear followed but disaster was averted when the bear caught sight of himself in a mirror and stopped to admire himself and was finally re-captured.
Nothing as exciting as that happened while I was in town though there was a minor disturbance in the vaccination routine when an "inportant" person arrived, plus TV crew.
It rained a lot of the day and must have done so a lot during the night as the burn is very full and the ponds have flooded again. It did stop for this evening but we didn't go for a run in the woods!

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