
By ayearinthelife

Flowers in the Rain

Some flowers. It’s raining. Today has been what, in journalistic circles, is known as a “slow news day”. But realising I needed some sort of picture for this blip, I braved the drizzle for the twenty odd seconds it took to grab a quick snap of our hanging basket.
Aching legs from yesterday’s walks and PT session, have precluded any great activity today. We went for our customary Sunday coffee - first one sat indoors with proper crockery for some time! Taking advantage of a gap in the showers, we did manage a short walk, but nothing special.
The afternoon has been mainly spent catching up on a few programmes recorded whilst Mrs C was away last week, before settling down to watch the highlights of the Monaco Grand Prix.
I’m hoping that the weather picks up next week and we see a bit of sunshine. At the very least, it would be nice to have temperatures more suited to summer than winter!
Pretty impressed with that basket now I’ve looked at the photo more closely. I seem to recall it was quite sparse and straggly when we bought it, so pleased it’s turned out as it has. Not bad for a tenner from a supermarket!

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