
By Transitoire

La fête des Mères

And of course, it was Mother's Day (although not in France!) so I spent a significant amount of time on Skype to my lovely mother (I mean, even if it was a normal day I would have...but that is by the by!). If you know me well enough, you'll know how close I am to my family...and I would count my mum as one of my best friends. Wow, sounds quite cringey when I read it back, but it really is true. If I haven't spoken to her in person (i.e. Skype) in a few days, I get withdrawal symptoms...and we email or text most days too. There is no one else in the world that I would rather turn to, and she knows everything probably too much about my life yet never turns round and says I have done anything that she is not proud of. She has had twenty-one years of worrying, waiting for me to come in from a night out, little arguments that every teenager has with her mother, tidying, picking up things I've forgotten, finding things I've lost, comforting me when things go wrong...but at the same time we have shared so many wonderful memories, done so many things together, walked, talked, laughed hysterically, shopped, chilled, chatted, baked, commiserated. I don't think I can truly express on here just how much she means to me, and how much I just want to make her proud in everything that I do. So, Happy Mother's Day mum...I miss having you here very much...and hopefully next year I will be able to make it home.

Apart from that, I will be completely honest, I did pretty much nothing. I tried to build up the energy to write an essay due in on Wednesday which turned into watching Series Two of 'Black Books'. Well it was more than worth it, and the essay writing will commence tomorrow...I promise!

Decided that I needed to leave chez moi for a least an hour, so decided to take some night pictures to show you lovely people the night-time Saint-Pierre. Was pretty frustrated with the shots I got to be honest, it was getting steadily colder, I was tired...and this was the best of a bad bunch, enjoy anyhows!

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