
By Hillyblips

Large Snack

A hungry chap with eyes bigger than his stomach!

With the wind whistling across the estuary, snow blowing at 45° angle but not settling even though it was -1C. Cold really didn't cut the mustard with this one. Bitter especially facing into the wind!

Took all the advice that I was given off green beret Royal Marine Commando Greg, 3 weeks ago - 'If it's cold don't put the clothes on till it matters and then it'll make a difference.' OK, I've known him since he was 7 at junior school, worrying :)) but thought of him today!! Put all and I say ALL my layers on at the last minute just before I exited the car as per instructions and went yomping with my lens!

.....and I got a chaffinch LOL!! Better than nothing in this wind and cold!! Think I'll put this on Greg's fb page or...maybe not :)

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