Take me somewhere I can breathe
Santa brought Jessica a set of Zen Stones for Christmas.
Because Stevie and Jess are travelling there are very few extras which they take with them. I came across the stones today, while I procrastinated about doing the wages, doing notes so that someone else could do the wages. Jess balanced the stones over Christmas time - But I hadn't had a look at them.
In the box I found a little Zen Sand box too -and sand.
Do not get me started. There was NOTHING Zen about this. NOTHING.
The sand is so fine. There was too much of it ; it all spilled out of the box and all over my desk; my keyboard, my pens, my diary.
I cleared that bit up. Reduced the amount of sand.
Banged the box to zen out the sand. Mistake. More sand all over the place.
tidied up again. Used my pen to "rake" the sand. Mistake. Pen not wet. Sand not wet. Sand sticks to pen. Clean pen. Clean Sand. tidy box.
Start stacking. Hmmm. Stones are round. Not flat.
Stones push the sand out. Hmm
Sand sticks to stones.
Stones fall over. Sand falls out of box.
I thnk I need to find my own stones to do this... I have a recollection of lovely stone stacking in Lindisfarne.
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