Climbed up a spout

A couple of nights ago while we drove to the allotment we noticed a little spider clinging for dear life on to the passenger window.

Driving whilst caring for a little spider, whose legs were being blown downwind, is very difficult... every moment we were expecting take-off.

But she didn’t. We got to the allotment and she was still clinging on for dear life. As we got out the car she ran, all her legs carrying her to the edge of the window and she disappeared.

Or so we thought .... I got into the car two days later (today) and I glanced over to the passenger window... thoughts of Incy in my head.

AND THERE SHE WAS!!! Inside, on a web she made over night between the passenger door and the dashboard.

She came to work with me.. and home again and then back to work when I realised I came home without a document; damn one drive ; c drives and mapped drives.

Not only has she survived all that .... she survived me opening the passenger door and pinging her web onto a tiny ball and bouncing all over the inside of the car.

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