
By Mindseye

Riot of colour

In bed by 10.30....straight to zleep, didnt eake until after 4, then 6 & 7, up just after 7!! A bright sunny morning, fruit and yoguet for breakfast with a cuppa, watched the birds flitting back and forth for a while.

Back upstairs to get showered and wash my mop.....had a pleasurable morning, just,pottering a while before heading off to meet sis.

We had various errands to run, got everything done eventually, back home to sis's , tea prepped, the. out for a walk with Kobi. Enjoyed the homemade chicken madras with rice foe dinner, followed by. treat.....a fresh fruit and creme pat tart :-) Watched themfiest half of the Man City game before heading home.

Todays blip is one of two magnificent rhoddi's of sis's .......they are covered in busy bees!!

The usual sad feeling came over me as I opened the door, I said Hi, but there was no reply :-( Busied myself putting the shopping away, made a cuppa, put the new solar lights id bought outside on thr table in case theres any sun in the morning!

Its almost 11, I have promised myself I wont stay up so late, so its time I was off up the dancers......nite all.

Hope,you are all staying safe out there

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