
Joe likes the window open in Daisy’s room, he sits in the sun outside on the window ledge. You would think he would put a bit a bit of effort and leave the actual house but no, those days are gone.

A very nice day where every now and then I stopped to consider what I wanted to do next and then did that. I didn’t do the mad Tuesday yoga and actually decided I don’t want to do Tuesday yoga again. It’s not actually yoga, instead HIIT, I dread it and hate doing it. So I’m dropping it.

I waved Will off to school and went for a pool swim. I have bought myself a swimming book to improve everything about my swimming. I’m going read it until I get to a bit I can’t do properly and then do that before I move on. First stop, breathing both sides. Apparently you can get the proper knack after 6 swims, so one down...

Then an afternoon of sewing, made a chicken curry and an aubergine stew. Tippetty top day, I’m going to do the same tomorrow (with a different dinner)

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