
Today I went for a walk with Kay. Kay is one of my favourite people and I haven't seen her for ages so I gave her ever such a nice welcome. Originally we were going to meet Kay in the afternoon but Ann's weather app was showing rain for the afternoon so we went to 'Braidburn Valley Park' in the morning instead.

Mmmmmmm................ Ann's weather app lied again. It's been lovely all day. In fact it was so lovely at lunchtime that Ann and Kay sat outside on the balcony for their lunch.  They had sausage rolls (as in sausages in bread rolls not pastry sausage rolls) and Kay said she'd give me a little bit of sausage but she forgot so by the time she remembered I only got a little bit of bread roll.  Ann hardly ever gives me little titbits so she fed all of her sausage roll into her tummy!!!  Boo hoo.

Ann and her friends have booked a couple of nights away to Glasgow in August and Kay is going to come and stay in our house to look after me. Ann's a bit worried about this because she's only ever spent one night away from me and that was when I was a weeny teeny little puppy. Actually I think Ann will miss me more than I'll miss her. I love Kay so I'm pretty sure I'll have a fabulous time with her. Also Kay always feeds me lots of treats. Yum! Apparently Ann is going to weigh me before she goes away and when she comes back and if I've put on weight then Kay isn't going to be allowed to look after me again. Booohooo.

Having said that, the way things are going, Glasgow could be stuck in Tier 2 forever so that will mean another holiday cancelled. Originally Ann's Glasgow trip was scheduled for last December? Ann getting really fed up with all these restrictions now. Well to be honest, she's been fed up since the first lock down began. Seriously.......... the way my human sees it is...................... COVID is not going to go away so we're all just going to have to learn to live with it. Does anyone else feel that this whole thing is just all getting a bit ridiculous now? We all need to get on with our lives.

Ann's worse fear would be getting 'long COVID' but at the end of the day, you can't choose what type of COVID you're going to get. And to be honest, Ann would rather be confined to her house because she was ill, than be confined to her house just because going out in the big wide world might expose her to a virus which probably won't kill her. And if it did, then she wouldn't be in a position to worry about it would she???

The only thing that really worries Ann, is making sure that I will always have a happy home with people who love me. 

Nothing else matters!!!

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