The Loom

When Lily Mae gets something into her head she gets something into her head. She was learning to weave today in school so she asked me to make a loom for her. All you need she said is seven nails for one side and six nails for the other side. And then do it again for the other two sides. That is twenty six nails in total. You have to get a square bit of board as well. I just found out I have plenty of screws but no nails or timber. I had a brainwave and found a piece in the attic. We then went of to the hardware shop and got a box of nails.

I made a bit of a botch of the first attempt (it is in the extra). I went back to the drawing board and came up with the most exquisite loom. I might be slightly exagerating a bit here but Lily Mae was happy with it and is weaving away at something. I am not sure what it is but all will be revealed when it is finished. 

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