
Today's the day ....................... for Rock Art

Joined in on a fascinating Zoom talk tonight - all about the cup and ring marks that form the basis of Prehistoric Rock Art.  There are a lot to be found in this area - but they are widespread throughout Europe and Scandinavia.  No-one knows at all why they were done - although there are several theories on the go.

I was doing my own bit of rock art today - but in the rockery in the garden and with plants, rather than cup and ring marks.  Readers of this journal will know that it is my favourite place to be - among the alpines, with their exquisite, tiny flowers - and this is the time of the year when everything is beginning to look at its best.

I could show you lots of examples of plants that made my heart sing, but I'll just leave you with one of my favourites in extras - Dodecatheon meadia - or as I like to call it, my little 'shooting star' .......................

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