Your carraige awaits

Out and about at work today and a treat for me as I had the hire of this boat for the day with skipper as myself and a couple of contractors were working along the Morvern coast which is very inaccessible. I was to be picked up in Oban but the day did not start well when my alarm didn't go off so I was half an hour late getting up. Breakfast in the car and some hurrying helped me be at the pier on time. They were never going to go without me but I don't like being late. We picked up the contractors half an hour away at Kingairloch pier before heading down the coast for some rhododendron removal.

The work went well but ended up way too much for us in one day as there was way more Rhody than we had anticipated. Will need to go back. A view from the work site in extras.
Gloriously sunny on the return journey and having been dropped in Oban a quick visit to the furniture shop to buy a new double bed for the house before heading home. I have only had access to shops for 1 day since Christmas. When my adrenaline wears off I will be tired.

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