Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Clue n.3 Overload

Too much input, pleasant or unpleasant  and my brain doesn’t function properly.
good overload

The beach on a cold windy day. People with their dogs, fit bodies of all shapes, airing their skin and  muscles, wind surfers streaking through the surf, kite surfers doing convolutions among the waves, kids digging,  beach combers walking and all in the shining sun and glittering sea. A full tank of positive input.
Then the beach on a hot summer day. People,  dogs, the sweaty unfit of all shapes, displaying  their skin and flab, kids playing in the surf, digging, women gossiping, eating.
The constant trail of passersby. On and on and on and on and if I don’t close my eyes, I can see them and their troubles. Most of them have troubles. They are wearing them like placards around their necks. It is too painful to watch. I turn over on my stomach. The summer beach and I are incompatible and I haven’t  back been there for thirty years, except to see the grandchildren a few times.
Nearby, a German Shepherd barks an empty bark, a bark without  meaning. The bark of a lonely, abandoned dog and yet she is not alone. Her owner is at home most of the time, never has visitors and speaks to the dog, only when necessary. The dog is desperately miserable and I fear he, the man, not the dog, could be a psychopath……… and another, this one a survivor of major surgery, spends his almost every waking hour on a mission to smooth  a piece/pieces of wood. Summer or winter, he stands at a bench making an irritating noise with a sanding machine…… and this is relentlessly crossing the border into my private world.
That is why I have to disappear into the country as often as poss.
Why am I telling you all this? I don’t get a buzz out of concerning myself with other people’s affairs but I’m  unable to filter out all this info which seems to be hitting me in the face, therefore, I do what I can to avoid it. I’m having a few issues with blip. There is just so much sadness, I feel so inadequate  and I’m not sure I can cope much longer without having to pull out again.  
Hope not though.

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