Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird

Clue n.2 Silence.

So I spent another two days in the country cleaning up olive trees. Franco had already begun cutting/chopping the grass and prunings when I arrived, so I worked hard to do as much work as I possibly could before he came round to finish the job the following morning. I began working at 06.15am with only the sound of chickens for company. I think they are screaming "happy birthday"  I love the early morning quiet and general absence of noise. Not quite silence, but as near as. 

Nature is so naturally beautiful that sometimes I wish that we didn't have to interfere with it in order to get food.
Franco was surprised at how much I had done and noted that I am not easily discouraged and that, coming from him, is a compliment.. I get that from my m,other. I remember her saying "I will not give up" and if something is worth doing and within my reach, I am the same.
The first extra is of  an olive tree about to bloom with Spilocaea oleaginea -  the cause of the fungal  disease olive peacock spot.
The second is a vine about to bloom which is so far healthy. I sprayed them (organic) against their own   fugus today.
To think I used to wear high heels and sleep with curlers in, when I was young.

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