Tel's Blips

By TerryS365

Blip No. 300

I only realised yesterday that my 300th consecutive Blip was imminent, so panic ensued as to how to mark the occasion. As usual the idea came whilst half asleep. As I live by and love the sea it would have to be something relating to the coast. It was far too cold and windy today to hang around the beach for long so having a collection of shells handy I constructed this little picture.

When joining blipfoto I never really expected to be able to post every day so I'm amazed to have reached 300 without a break. This is thanks to all the kind blippers who visit and comment on my efforts, without you it would be a fairly meaningless exercise. Thank you to all the subscribers, although I often do not have the time to comment on everything you post I do view all your blips each day.

I have met some lovely people on blip, some in person, it is the friendliest forum I have come across where the bile that inhabits some other forums is not tolerated. A rare thing indeed on the internet.

Trying to come up with something new every day is quite a challenge which I think improves all our photography and I get great inspiration from the images on show here.

Now just have to come up with 65 more pics. No pressure then!!

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