Cold and wet

What a horrible day. We've had the heating on all day. It's May for goodness sake. My human should be basking on the balcony in her bikini, not cancelling outdoor arrangements with friends?! Ann was really looking forward to meeting four friends outdoors tomorrow afternoon. Not much chance of that happening as our weather app is showing rain for the rest of our life?!! Having said that; when I've been out on my walks today, all the pubs with outdoor areas were full. It seems that the Scottish certainly are a nation of alcoholics drinkers as everyone was sitting huddled under umbrellas, wearing winter coats.

Mmmmmm.................... much as Ann loves a glass of wine; she's not that desperate.

Anyway as far as I'm concerned there were two good things about my walks today..................... I found a manky old tennis ball on my morning walk and I found an even mankier one on my afternoon walk and Ann let me bring them both home. Yay!

The rest of the day, I've just been chillaxing in my bed.

This evening Susi (Ann's support bubble) is coming round for dinner so at least she'll have some human contact today. It feels like Susi is the only person Ann has seen in Edinburgh in the last 6 months and much as she likes Susi...................... it would be really lovely to be able to see some other friends too. Even on 17th May (due to the '3 household rule') she's only going to be able to see 2 people indoors. My human is a 'party animal' and after being in isolation for more than a year, she doesn't even know if she'll remember how to communicate with more than one friend at a time??!!

From what we've heard, England is aiming to be back to 'the new normal' by 21st June and we certainly know a few people who are planning birthday parties and 'Junemas' (late Xmas) parties. Don't think that's happening in Scotland?! We've got to work our way down through all the tiers first.

However, there's a solution to every problem....................... We're aiming to be back in our house in Cornwall by the 21st June. …...............Well, my human can't miss out on a party can she????????????????????

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