This afternoon I went to the Braid Hills Golf Course for my walk. Just look at all this lovely space I had to run about on. Ann loves walking on golf courses because they're really big and although there are quite a few other people around there is lots of room for everyone. So far we've only walked on this golf course, Mortonhall Golf Course and the Merchants Golf Course. However, Edinburgh is full of golf courses. Not sure how many there are but once Ann has finished helping me write my Blip she's going to google them all because she thinks that our May Challenge could be walking on every single one.

My human likes to set herself little challenges every month. In January she came off Facebook for a month. That was even harder than giving up wine which she did last November. She succeeded. In February she aimed to lose half a stone. That was an epic fail! In March her challenge was to get her favourite photos of MollyCollie printed, framed and put up in her bedroom. She succeeded. In April she did the 'April Art Challenge'. Another success.

Ann's challenge for May & June was going to be walking the 134 miles of the Fife Coast Path. She'd thought that would probably be about 15 days of walking that we could fit in around when she was working. Well, obviously she's not working now but to take off in the car from Edinburgh and drive to Fife for a walk obviously cannot be considered to be 'essential travel'. Boohooo.

Soooooo...................... Ann's 'May Challenge' is now to complete an online 'Blogging Business Diploma'. Ie, how to make money from blogging. This has cost her £29 instead of the usual £127. TBH she'd spend that much if she was going out for a meal and obviously she's not been out for a meal for a long time. But seriously, although it's quite interesting; you don't actually have to be very bright to do these online courses. Unless of course Ann is just super intelligent ….......which she most definitely is not! The blurb said it was up to 150 hours of work to complete the course, (so Ann thought it would keep her occupied for about 3 months) but it's now only the 8th May and she's almost half way through it?????

Anyway the reason we're telling you this is because alongside the 'Blogging for Business Diploma', Ann has decided that for the rest of May, we're going to try and walk on every single golf course in Edinburgh. Won't that be a fabulous challenge for a little collie pup like me?

As lock down continues in Scotland (& Boris is due to announce lock down restrictions being lifted in England on Sunday) we're just happy that the weather for most of this lock down has been fabulous. We're also very, very, grateful that we live by ourselves in a two bedroom flat with a balcony. We never, ever see our neighbours but today we caught a glimpse of the four students that live in the flat across the landing from us. Haven't a clue what they're up to but the balconies aren't even big enough for four people. It must be horrible for students being so far away from home and being cooped up together in such a small space.

Anyway Ann probably needs to start ranting on her 'blogging platform' and keep my BLIP just for me.

Oh and our FB feed has been full of people social distancing and celebrating VE day. Nothing happening here, but we did do the 2 min silence at 11am.

And that's it for today.

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