Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Sky bows!

Up this morning for a Zoom Meeting at 10. The Cursillo UK leadership group, so peiple across the length and breadth of the UK. Good though it was, I do miss these meetings being face to face, apart from anything else, I like to travel to them! Hopefully I'll be in Norwich in September.
There was a lot of activity outside our house, just after our meeting. There were strange traffic patterns and a police van parked in the middle of the road. We realised that there had been a serious accident at the major junction near us, two cars involved and all three emergency services in attendance. It took several hours to resolve. I fear there were very serious injuries. It was one of those situations where all you can do is pray, even not knowing. Some people's lives will have been ruined in an instant though.
We had another bout of heavy hailstones and rain this afternoon. The sun shone too though and so today's blip was from upstairs when I realised there must be a rainbow somewhere. The main coloured bow was double and possibly even triple, there was a higher arc of light /shadow too and that extraordinary bright arc at the bottom. An very strange sky.

The girls came round this afternoon which was a lovely distraction. I had some 'no longer at their best' blueberries in the fridge so I made some scones with them. Delicious, thanks to Stuart from the sadly missed Bon Papillon who made me realise you can add anything to scones. I wish I knew what he put in his herb ones though. They really were delicious.
I had another Zoom Meeting this evening so not much time for dinner after the girls left, I didn't really feel like left over moussaka so we opted for take away fish and chips. Always a good option.

Another Cursillo meeting this evening, this time led by the Borders group although there was somebody from Chichester there and somebody else from Aberdeen. Again good to catch up.

Colin and I finished the evening with the first episode of series 6 of Line of Duty. Not sure what we are going to do after we finish them all.

The first election results are coming in, not surprisingly it looks like a fourth term for Nicola, she certainly has my confidence when it comes to the Pandemic. We have a Lib Dem MSP again though. He's actually a very good hard working constituency MP, although I don't agree with everything he says and does.
Keep safe and well everybody.

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