Day In - Day Out

A constant windspeed of 30 mph and only 8 degrees C, has not been conducive to venturing out.  The tatties are feared to make an appearance.  I had time to clean my Rotters Club LP.  I only hope Richard Sinclair will be happy – he never writes.  Is Hatfield now conjoined with the North?  Maybe Eunice can confirm if Psychogeography is still utilised de nos jours ?  If so, is it only observed by flaneurs?  You see this is what happens if your body temperature doesn’t match that of a blue tongued skink.  You never seem to see them at Sandend.

Ted won’t settle – he keeps carrying his cap under his arm and staring out of the window for an age.

An Agenda has been sent out for a meeting for the Friends of the Hoy Kirk.  During its development accompaniment was provide by Charles Mingus striking up ‘East Coasting’

I promise to do better.

Percy Jones is 73.

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